<p>Bolt interlock with 2 key entries</p>
<p>One cylinder bolt lock with a bolt <img src="https://www.kls-locks.com/img/cms/simbolo-del-diametro.jpg" alt="" width="15" height="16" />15mm</p>
<p> Bolt travel = 20mm</p>
<p>Please refer to ordering information for various options of bolt IN dimensions</p>
<p>Bolt is in until both keys are trapped - Function H (standard)</p>
<p>Bolt is operated by trapping one key and at same</p>
<p>time the other key is freed - function J (standard)</p>
<p>Body : full body Brass, red polyester finish</p>
<p>Torque : 17 N/m</p>
<p>Weight: 900 g.</p>
<p><strong>Description and Technical Features</strong></p>
<p>Bolt lock with 1 lockbolt and 2 keys.</p>
<p> Lockbolt out : L=18mm. Key 1 released. Key 2 captive.</p>
<p> Lockbolt in : l=6mm. Key 1 captive. Key 2 released.</p>
<p> Lockbolt out : L=18mm. Keys 1 and 2 released.</p>
<p> Insert key 2, turn 180°.</p>
<p> Insert key 1, turn 180°.</p>
<p> Lockbolt in : l=6mm. Keys 1 and 2 captive.</p>
<p> - Lockbolt on the left; </p>
<p> - Other options as per selector on next pages.</p>
<p> - Lockbolt with 15mm. diameter;</p>
<p> - Lockbolt out : L=35mm.</p>
<p><strong>Weight:</strong> 450g.</p>
<p><strong>Description and technical features</strong></p>
<p>Bolt interlock with 2 key entries.</p>
<p>Bolt travel 18 +-0.5mm.</p>
<p>Available functions:</p>
<p> - 2 keys arrive at same time to operate the bolt;</p>
<p> - exchange function.</p>
<p>(see specific selector for all functions available)</p>
<p> - Stainless steel.</p>
<p><strong>Weight:</strong> 580g.</p>
<p>Bolt interlock with 2 key entries</p>
<p>One cylinder bolt lock with a bolt <img src="https://www.kls-locks.com/img/cms/simbolo-del-diametro.jpg" alt="" width="15" height="16" />15mm</p>
<p> Bolt travel = 20mm</p>
<p>Please refer to ordering information for various options of bolt IN dimensions</p>
<p>Bolt is in until both keys are trapped - Function H (standard)</p>
<p>Bolt is operated by trapping one key and at same</p>
<p>time the other key is freed - function J (standard)</p>
<p>Body : full body Brass, red polyester finish</p>
<p>Torque : 17 N/m</p>
<p>Weight: 900 g.</p>
<p>Bolt interlock with 2 key entries</p>
<p>One cylinder boltlock with a bolt <img src="https://www.kls-locks.com/img/cms/simbolo-del-diametro.jpg" alt="" width="15" height="16" /> 15mm</p>
<p> Bolt travel = 20mm</p>
<p>Please refer to ordering information for various options of bolt IN dimensions</p>
<p>Bolt is in until both keys are trapped - Function H</p>
<p>Bolt is operated by trapping one key and at same</p>
<p>time the other key is freed - function J (standard)</p>
<p>Body : Stainless steel bended metal plate</p>
<p>Torque : 17 N/m</p>
<p>Weight: 700 g.</p>
<p>Bolt interlock with 2 key entries</p>
<p>One cylinder boltlock with a bolt <img src="https://www.kls-locks.com/img/cms/simbolo-del-diametro.jpg" alt="" width="15" height="16" /> 15mm</p>
<p> Bolt travel = 20mm</p>
<p>Please refer to ordering information for various options of bolt IN dimensions</p>
<p>Bolt is in until both keys are trapped - Function H</p>
<p>Bolt is operated by trapping one key and at same</p>
<p>time the other key is freed - function J (standard)</p>
<p>Body : Stainless steel bended metal plate</p>
<p>Torque : 17 N/m</p>
<p>Weight: 700 g.</p>